Saturday, 17 March 2012

Lecture Two

The second lecture in JOUR1111 centred around the subject of "New News". It demonstrated how the field of journalism and reporting has developed from 'old media' such as newspapers and radio, to the internet where it has grown from being company focussed, to socially focussed, to individually focussed (Web 1.0 - Web 2.0 - Web 3.0).

The stage we are entering now is known as Web 3.0, where each individual is uniquely targeted and information is a mere click away. The specificity of information deliverance enables the idea of "news my way", where everything that is fed to the reader is customised to their interests. Creepy? Maybe. Effective? Definitely.

We also touched on the subject of subscription and paywalls, which brought forth the fact that, without funding through subscription, investigative journalism would die. Thus, the availability of information through the internet would lead to the death of a centuries old sect of journalism. It is strange to think that, that is possible.
However, I guess that is, like anything, a life cycle.
As one thing advances, another dies off.

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