Thursday, 14 June 2012

All wrapped up.

As the semester draws to an end, I am compelled to write my final post.

From differentiating commercial from public media to writing of my current obsessions, this blog has been my creative outlet for the past three months. Through a journalistic lens, it has allowed me to express my thoughts, my likes, my dislikes, and what I have learnt in JOUR1111, freely. This course, and this blog, has opened me up to the wide world of social media, particularly igniting my love for Twitter and Blogger. I am now much more in-touch with what is happening in the world and have a great appreciation for the Internet's ability to share news on a 24/7 timeframe. I have discovered that journalism stretches much further than the 6 o'clock news and the daily newspaper, harnessing the developments of social media and customising the way we ingest what is happening in the world. It is an ever-changing field, moving forward and adjusting in shape and form, but never, ever losing importance. I now view journalism as a practice of storytelling, rather than a strict, dry reporting discipline. Journalists have the ability to probe deeply what is happening in our world, and inform the masses. They should convey the truths of our society, and seek to remain honest and dutiful in their role as factual storytellers, recognising the unparalleled importance of their job. My love for writing and, now, for blogging has made me want to continue a blog. Whether it be this exact one, or whether I create my own - I will most definitely continue to engage in the practice and open myself to the opportunities which come along with it.

Watch this space...


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