If you haven't read this book, or even part of it, you have to! I am a strong believer that journalism is a practice of storytelling. My interest in the discipline lies in its ability to convey a person's story to the masses. I see journalists as storytellers, rather than mere 'reporters'. This book revolves around the idea of storytelling in journalism and public relations. This is an extract from the introduction to the book by Tony Silvia and Terry Anzur - both notable journalistic educators in America:

Effective storytelling has long been a blend of words, sounds and pictures. In the days when most people could not read, religious stories often came to life through images and music in a house of worship. Wandering minstrels spread the news of the day while performing their songs. Playwrights and actors gave us insight into the human condition by portraying archetypal characters and dramatic situations on a stage. The printing press made it possible for storytellers to reach a wider and more educated public, leading to the development of worldwide mass media in the present day. What all effective storytellers throughout history have in common is the ability to engage the audience, not merely capturing attention, but challenging the users, viewers, listeners or readers to process information and apply it to their own lives.'
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